Option to completely disable automatic scrolling.

• Feb 26, 2019 - 14:59


I have been using musescore for some time and one thing has always, always angered me. Sometimes horizontal scrolling is not acting perfectly, sometimes jumping too far while I'm adding notes. But, when you manipulate big scores, with more than 10 parts, nothing makes sense. I just want to add a note in a bar that is entirely visible, while selecting the silence on which I want to add my notes on. And it jumps to the left. For no reason.

So, please, I know that this thing can be very practical, but I really like to do things myself, especially when they are made wrong. What I want is simple: an option that allows to disable automatic scrolling and lets user scroll himself when needed. Simple, right?

P.S. I didn't even mention the disaster that happens when you hit the "play" button and the scrolling makes the worst thing ever in order to make the bar that is played visible! Terrible.


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