Staff crossing grace notes

• Apr 10, 2019 - 19:56

I want the following grace notes to be crossing from L.H. to R.H., while each of them is connected with a tie to the main note (in the cluster). I've encountered a bug in the program which causes the stems of the grace notes to become much longer, and to mess up the spacing of the score (custom placed objects return to automatic placement). It happens after transferring one note to R.H. and then after every action in the program:
grace notes.png
Do you know any solution for this?


Attach the score ;-)
and/or try to insert, from the palette: Staff spacer fixes down

Edit: and just out of curiosity (excuse my ignorance) why not add them to right hand?

Ok, this problem sloved - by adding a "Staff spacer fixed down". However, I steal can't add a tie to the R.H. notes. How to do that?

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