Getting measure number shown in status bar

• May 9, 2019 - 00:34

Is there some way to make the status bar show the labelled measure number instead of the correlative number?
I mean: in order to make editing faster in long scores, I separate a fragment of the score, starting, say, from measure 135, and edit it as a new, smaller, document. To make it easier to keep track where I am, I right-click on the staff, select measure properties, and input 134 in the "Add to measure number" box. The new numbers (the real ones in the complete score) show correctly on the page view score as well as at the right of the continuous view, but the satus bar keeps showing the correlative number. For instance, measure 135 is shown as measure 1


This had come up before, and more than once. Showing a 'logical' measure number in addition to the 'physical' one could indeed get implemented. Feel free to create a feature request ("Suggestion") in the issue tracker for this.
Similar for the Ctrl+F "goto measure number" function

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