Changing default style fonts crashes

• Jun 3, 2019 - 22:00

Hi, i recently tried to change all fonts to freesans and musescore crashes when i change 2 defaults fonts in a row. If i restart musescore after changing one by one (i mean, change one font, restart, change another font, restart etc) it does not crash but then the score gets unstable, it crashes randomly at any moment without any messages. Other scores with the default values still work fine, even with the unstable score open in another tab.
I tried doing this using the inspector and in the style dialog box both give the same crash. I use the 3.1 appimage on debian.


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc, i made a small video capture showing the steps, this happens with any score. Also, loading a custom style using any font other than free serif on any score makes it crash randomly when editing. I cant reproduce it right now because i am not sure what causes the crash, it happened to me when adding articulations, during note input, entering dynamics or editing text.
I can load a custom style and print the score without crashes.

Edit: I found another way to cause this crash. . Sorry if this screen captures are not the best way to report a bug, it would be harder for me to explain myself in english.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

  1. Open any score
  2. Open format > style
  3. Text properties/styles? (i dont remember the exact english string)
  4. Set default text for title "freesans"
  5. Set default text for subtitle "freesans"

1. Click on staff text
2. Change text font from the inspector to freesans
3. Repeat step 2
4. Doble click staff text to edit
5. Click the font drop menu at the bottom of the screen

Remember this happens on debian 9 using the 3.1 appimage.

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