My file seems corrupted, but it is still able to be uploaded to musescore.

• Jun 5, 2019 - 21:43

My file crashes the entirety of the Musescore 3 program if it is opened. When i reinstalled Musescore 2 to test it, it says it cannot be opened do to an error:

XML read error at line 369 column 18: KeySig

How can I fix this if at all? I don't want to loose my progress.

Thank You.

Attachment Size
Eterna_City.mscz 33.66 KB


This 3.0.5 score opens just fine in 3.1, no errors or curruptions reported.
Same for that mxl file.
Esp. Measure 45, staff 2 looks clean and healty, just a full measure rest. I guess you attached the wrong file here?

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