Crashed when tieing a note (

• Jun 7, 2019 - 06:33

I had a half note G and the next was a quarter note rest. I had the G selected and hit + to tie it and the tie skipped the rest after the G and tied to the end of the score, then the program crashed. The crash report thing came up and I could type my issue but it didn't seem to want to send (or it did send but didn't go anywhere).


To be sure, it would be certainly useful to attach here the involved score for checking what happens, and by specifying where is located the problem (measure where you adding the tie).

In reply to by cadiz1

One thing I found, which is not particularly the issue I had, but take the following case.

New score. Put a note on the first line and the same note on the next line (ie: bar 1 and bar 19... whatever bar number is on the next score line). Tie the two. Delete the tie. The tie deletes from the first line of the score but remains on the 2nd. If you then try and delete the tie on the end line, well, the first time I tried the program crashed and the 2nd time it didn't do anything.

I feel that my crash was related to this multi-line thing. I think at the time I'd moved something to the end while rearranging things, so it tied to something there.

Attachment Size
tie1.PNG 44.8 KB

In reply to by cadiz1

Well it reverted to something different so I couldn't give you the same one if I wanted to. In any case I managed to get it to crash every time on a fresh score. Try the following...

1) Start a fresh score
2) Put a B on bar 1 and another B on bar 32 on the next line (or whatever it is for you, as long as the tie goes to the next line)
3) ctrl+z to undo the tie (you should have the phantom tie remain on the 2nd line)
4) use the arrow keys to move the B in bar 1 up and down (should crash here)

In reply to by Cameron Burnett

2.5) add the tie ;-)

Confirmed. And not related to #290094: Crash when modifying appoggiatura from imported MusicXml file., at least the fix for that doesn't solve the crash here. Stack trace:
1 ?? 0xe95800ad
2 Ms::System::scanElements system.cpp 1081 0x94b5ad
3 Ms::Page::scanElements page.cpp 214 0x8c0b8a
4 Ms::Navigator::paintEvent navigator.cpp 383 0x50971f
5 ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent 0x265b698e
6 ?? 0x27
7 ?? 0x26455890
8 ?? 0x2ca9e238

Now reported in #290415: crash when moving a formerly cross-system-break tied note

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