Version 3 Mensurstriche Manual wording does not work (if taken at face value)

• Aug 12, 2019 - 08:46

To place barlines between staves:

  1. In the staff below the proposed Mensurstriche, uncheck "Show barlines" in the Staff / Part Properties dialog;
  2. In the staff above where you want the Mensurstriche, right-click on one barline and chose Select→All Similar Elements in Same Staff;
  3. In the Barline section of the Inspector, tick the "Span to next staff" option;
  4. In the Barline section of the Inspector, adjust the "Span from" value so that the top of the barlines meet the bottom line of the staff;

Repeat for other staves as required.

It should say:

  1. In the LOWEST staff below the proposed Mensurstriche in a system, uncheck "Show barlines" in the Staff / Part Properties dialog;
  2. In the staff above right-click on one barline and chose Select→All Similar Elements;
  3. In the Barline section of the Inspector, tick the "Span to next staff" option;
  4. In the Barline section of the Inspector, adjust the "Span from" value so that the top of the barlines meet the bottom line of the staff;

If one is going to use mensurstriche it is extremely unlikely that one will want to do this on some staves and not others. And it any case, it is important that the instructions emphasise that one needs to start at the bottom and work upwards. A better solution would be to allow the version 2 first method, which is much easier all round.

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