Duplicating a melody line in the same staff

• Aug 26, 2019 - 15:07

For more than once, I have felt the need for a feature that would allow us to duplicate a melody line (one or more measures), on top of existing material on the same staff, for example, to double a melody line, one octave higher or lower. A more complete feature would allow us to add the new material a specified interval, up or down, a third, a fourth, a sixth, an octave, whatever, instead of adding the new voice note by note.

This sounds to me like something that could be implemented by a plugin extension...and at the same time I think of it as a fundamental score-writing facility.


Now that I think of it, a more fundamental feature - although a different one - would be to allow new material (already copied to the clipboard) to be pasted onto another staff/measure, by APPENDING to, not REPLACING the original material. Is there already something like that in MuseScore, that I don't know of?

In reply to by Shoichi

No, it didn't work! When I try to copy new material on voice 2, for example, whatever was on voice 1 in the same measure, simply disappears! Only voice 2 material persists. So, it is NOT a "copy and add" (to comply with Jojo), but "copy and replace" (I'm talking about Ctl.C - Ctl.V).

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

OK! Now it worked. So, the sequence is: copy - swap - paste. I was doing swap - copy - paste. My idea was to swap to voice 2, then copy voice 2 and then paste voice 2. What I have to do is: copy voice 1 - swap EXISTING to voice 2 - paste voice 1. That way, it worked all right. Thank you again.

In reply to by luizcrodrigues

You have to remove the check from voice 1 in the selection filter to only copy items that are not in voice 1. (voice 3&4 don't matter if there is nothing there). With voice 1 unchecked, copy then, in any order, paste and recheck voice 1 so your selections will work on voice 1 again.

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