Deleting a tie

• Sep 23, 2019 - 04:23

The program inserted a tie without my wanting one and now I can't delete it. How do you delete ties? I tried double clicking on and using Delete and Cmd Delete, but that had no effect.


Tiesw will always delete with a simple Delete - no Cmd+Delete or Ctrl+Delete ever needed or indeed helpful for deleting individual ties, since that command only functions on range selections.

My guess is what you were seeing wasn't a tie but a slur. These also always delete with a simple Delete. However, it's certainly possible to get yourself into a situation where you have multiple overlapping slurs (not possible with ties). This would happen, for instance, if the "S" key on your keyboard is faulty and starts pressing itself, or if you meant to type "A" or "D" and hit the "S" by mistake, then repeated the error. Or, if the score was created in an older version of MuseScore, there was a few years a bug where slurs could multiply on their own, also an issue where copy/paste could result in overlapping slurs.

Anyhow, in those cases, pressing Delete once will delete one of the overlapping slurs, but then you'll still see the one underneath. Depending on how many overlapping slurs got added, you might need to press Delete multiple times before finally getting rid of them all.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Tip on multiple slurs: When you have multiple slurs, they will look thicker than single slurs. When you're looking for it, it's obvious. Select the first note of the slur, shift + click the last note of the slur, right click the slur and choose Select>All similar elements in range selection and all of the stacked slurs will be selected. You can then press delete to get rid of all of them at one and reapply the single slur you want.

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