Crashing when opening file - URGENT

• Oct 16, 2019 - 18:24

I saved this file and when I try to open it, the program crashes. I've already tried opening the backup files but they saved hours ago (even though I have autosave enabled every 2 minutes).

Is there a way to fix this?

Attachment Size
Guía_I.mscz 27.64 KB


Maybe attache the file, so someone can take a look to it.

If you start MuseScore from a terminal, you'll see probably the reason. Maybe it's possible to open the mscz file with an archive manager, to extract the mscx file and edit it with an editor.

For the record, backup and autosave are different - the backup is from when you first saved the file (it preserves the state of the file you first opened it). The autosave is indeed every two minutes, but it's removed on successful close - and I assume the file closed successfully the last time you were editing it.

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