Update Bells Used plugin for MuseScore 2
As requested at https://musescore.org/en/node/67791. The original plugin (for older versions of MuseScore) is at https://musescore.org/en/project/bells-used.
As requested at https://musescore.org/en/node/67791. The original plugin (for older versions of MuseScore) is at https://musescore.org/en/project/bells-used.
Any progress?
Seriously though, I would love to have a bells used plug-in for my church bell choir. It would be lovely. Can this be a thing soon??
I took a look at the files involved. Migrating the "Bells Used" plug-in is not easy. MS1.x plug-ins were in Java, MS2.x and 3.x plug-ins are in QML. I personally don't know either language, so I would probably just start from scratch rather than trying to migrate the existing plug-in. Sweeping through a score and finding notes used should be a fairly simple operation. Creating the mini-score with the bells needed seems like it would be the challenging part. Then there's creating a second one for chimes, and parsing out which notes are chimes notes and which are bell notes. That's a lot of work for what currently looks to be a pretty limited interest group, alas.
Both are JavaScript
In reply to Both are JavaScript by Jojo-Schmitz
Boy, the .qml files I looked at for the MuseScore 2 plug-in files didn't look like JavaScript to me. I expected that the .qml files were replacing the .ui files from the MS1 plug-in, but there weren't any files except .qml in the MS2 plug-ins I looked at. Is the JavaScript embedded in the .qml?
As it happens, I did finally figure out how to create the appearance of a bell list at the top of my score, and to compile the list, I used Ruby to analyze the MuseScore file. I thought about creating a stand-alone app that constructed the needed XML to auto-embed the bell list at the start of a score, but, frankly, I'm not making piles of sheet music for bells, so it's a better use of my time to just make it by hand and play the pitches on my keyboard to fill it in, esp. since handling the separate chime list complicates things quite a bit.
Indeed, inside the .qml file the language used is JavaScript. And the .ui files are embeded in the .qml files too.
But rather than porting to MuseScore2, better port to MuseScore 3, it isn't that much different, but the way forward.
Starting from scratch might be the best option...
I also would like this functionality :)