
• Oct 28, 2019 - 02:45

Muse score Crashes every time I try to open a file.

Attachment Size
A_Premonition.mscz 204.97 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

Open your file and look at the 'Mallets' tab. Toggle 'Concert Pitch' off and you'll see the bad Glockenspiel transposition. (It looks like you tried to fix some notes, because the original file is even worse.)

The Glockenspiel transposition should be restored in 'Staff/Part Properties'.

Took a long time to open.
See if this file is any better:

I removed a part that said 'Mallets' which is actually the Glockenspiel. (The notes had a great number of leger lines!!)
In Staff/Part Properties you had the 'Transpose written pitches to sound:' 10 octaves up!!!!
I fixed the transposition and regenerated the parts.

Loads without any crash for me, MuseScore 3.2.3, Windows 7

No issue, except that with the bizarre 10 octave transpositioning of malets/glockenspiel

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