Add pages to a score

• Nov 23, 2019 - 19:58

I want to add a second page to my score but following the directions I have found I am unable to do it. Please help.
Scott Randell


Not sure what directions you followed, but you don't add pages to a score in MsueScore any more than you add pages to a document in a word processor. In a word processor, you add more words, and it automatically goes onto another page where are too many words to fit on the current page. In MuseScore, you add music (eg, Add / Measures, then fill them with notes) and it goes onto another page when there is too much music to fit on the current page.

Also like a word processor, if you've already entered the words/music but decide you want a page to break somewhere earlier, you select where you want the break then hit Ctrl+Enter (or use the icon on the Breaks & Spacers palette).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

First, Marc, thank you so much for responding so quickly. Now I tried just adding measures, but what happens is it creates very small measures on the same page. I had my page set up to 4 measures per system and it ignored that. Will it make the measures longer and populate another page if I add notes to those measures? Also tried to change what it did to 4 measures per system and it just eliminated some of the extra measures I needed. I will try what you suggested and in addition I will try creating a system break. If you have any other suggestions please send them/

In reply to by scottzr

The measures will become wider when you fill them with notes. When there are too many measures on a line, the extras will move to the next line. When there are too many lines on a page they will move to the next page. Don't worry about formatting your score until it's already entered. MuseScore will do most of it based upon the entire score.

In reply to by scottzr

As noted above, the measures get wider when they need to get wider, just like pages get added when they need to get added. You don't have to work to make any of this happen, MuseScore does most of this for you automatically.

Except for four measures per line. Fixed layout like that isn't the norm in published music so MuseScore doens't do that by default any more than word processors have settings to have four words per line. If you want four words per line, you need to add line breaks, and same in MuseScore to get four measures per line. There is Tools / Add/Remove System Breaks that goes through your whole score doing this for you, but it operates on the measures that are there now, not on measures you add later. Again, normally one should not worry about any of this layout stuff until one is done entering music.

In reply to by Raymond Wicquart

OK I see it. Between you and Marc I will get better at using this program. By the way, can either of you tell me how to use keyboard commands for note duration? I tried the command and the number on the keypad and it did not work. Is something new in MuseScore 3 that is not like MS 2 which the manual seems to be based on?

In reply to by scottzr

The online Handbook is current for MsueScore 3, as is my "Mastering MuseScore: Complete Onine Course". But the "Mastering MuseScore" paperback/Kindle book was written for MuseScore 2 and has not yet been updated.

Nothing has changed here, though. All keyboards work differently - different layouts in different countries, diofferences for Windows vs macOS, etc. The regular number keys should always work (well, they can be problematic on some French AZERTY keyboards that require Shift to reach the numbers) but mueric keypads may or may not work out of the box. If they don't for you, you can probably get them to by going to Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts and adding them.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks as always. for some reason it is just working now and I can not figure out why. also thanks for directing me to the list of shortcuts and the ability to customize them. You have made it much easier for me to use MuseScore. I am relatively new to it. You have been a huge help.

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