'Quaver through stem' Tremolo

• Jan 2, 2020 - 21:16

Is there a way to set the default vertical position of the tremolo mark that turns a quaver into a semiquaver (or demisemiquaver etc)? At present it comes very near the notehead, and it would be more readable if it came near the beam. Obviously I can alter the position of each tremolo mark but that is very tedious! (I'm not sure if I can select a number of tremolo marks at the same time which would make adjustment quicker).

Thanks for any help on this


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks. As you say, there are many factors affecting where the tremolo lines should be. In the score I'm working on, the lines seem to be tied to the notehead, and I think it might be better for them to be tied to the beam. This only affects quavers being changed to semiquavers or demi-semiquavers and faster, by using the tremolo mark.

The placing of the tremolo marks with unbeamed notes (crotchets & minims) is fine. There was one thread where people seemed to object to the tremolo lines covering ledger lines. I've not come across that as a problem because the tremolo lines are angled so you can always see at least part of the ledger line - but I'm not a violinist, for whom this is the greatest problem!

For now, I've resorted to moving each one with the mouse, until it looks right - that's feasible for a bar or two, but not really when there are a lot of them!

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