Every Downloaded Score Crashes the App
I have just got musescore pro so I could use some of the great music for some performances. However every score I download from the site crashes the app when I try to save them to my computer. Any advice would be appreciated.
Ok, I actually have gotten a few files to open and work properly. I tried some of the new scores to be uploaded, and they worked. Is it because some of the scores I downloaded are from version 2 of musescore? Is there a work around?
In reply to Ok, I actually have gotten a… by Thelownlycheese39
Please attach a score that crashes MuseScore.
Version 2 scores should open in version 3 (but not vice versa).
In reply to Please attach a score that… by Jm6stringer
Also please state what version of the MuseScore notation app you are using.
Rather than open the (crashing) score directly from the site, select the option to save the MuseScore mscz file to your computer. Then attach it.
In reply to Also please state what… by Jm6stringer
Thanks for the quick reply. I am using the most recent version of musescore, I download about a week ago. One of the files that crashes the app is downloaded from https://musescore.com/user/9235166/scores/3390056 Problem by Lucky Chops. I download it as a musescore file, and it still crashes the program when I try to save it, and at random other times.
In reply to Thanks for the quick reply… by Thelownlycheese39
The problem seems to be within the parts. I have deleted the parts.
See if this score works for you: Problem_-__Lucky_CHops2.mscz
You can re-generate any parts you wish:
In reply to OK... The problem seems to… by Jm6stringer
Thanks so much. Can you explain what regenerating a part is? Do I do that by deleting parts, or something else? I'm not quite sure what to do even after looking at the handbook.
In reply to Thanks so much. Can you… by Thelownlycheese39
File > Parts, delete all, then Generate
In reply to File > Parts, delete all,… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thank you for all the help, looks like it all works now.