How to remove the large empty bottom margin of my score?

• Apr 27, 2020 - 19:55

Below the Basses and the Andante marking I have already tried lowering the bottom margin in Style > General, even putting it into minus numbers but it doesn't function at all - and I cannot think of any other solution that isn't stupidly difficult to achieve.

Thanks for any help in advance.


I recently had that problem and found a fix. It sucks, but the only fix I could find was to create a new Musescore 3.0 file and manually copy the parts into the new file. I think the import from Musescore 2 to Musescore 3 does something weird to the formatting, so that might be the cause.

First things first, I don't see a large empty bottom margin at all in your score. What I do see is the first system not fitting combined with the title.

The "Old Standard TT" font is not available on my system, so the score falls back the "MS Shell Dlg 2" which is quite a big font. So I first (re)set those elements back to FreeSerif.

Next I changed the page margin themselves top a top margin of 8 instead of 10 and bottom margin of 10 instead of 20mm for an A4 page.

And finally I changed the title frame to have no extra free space beneath it and reduce it's height to 2sp.

See attached.

To be clear: MuseScore 3 made some pretty vast improvements to the default format, fixing a ton of serious problems with the layout in MuseScore 2. But this does mean if you carefully constructed your score in MuseScore 2 to work around these deficiencies, those workarounds are likely not doing what you expect anymore and may well be counterproductive now. For this reason, scores with lots of manual adjustments made in MuseScore 2 are often best kept in MuseScore until you have time to look at which of your manual adjustments you can safely remove entirely, which simply need to be updated to reflect the new improved defaults, etc. Once you get the hang of how things work in MuseScore 3, it often doesn't take but a few minutes to fix older scores, but for now, it's a good strategy to use MsueScore 3 for new scores, keep old ones in MsueScore 2 unless you have need to do significant editing, in which case, the extra time it takes to update them for MuseScore 3 may well be offset by all the things MuseScore 3 makes simpler. And often, what looks at first like a drastic change in the layout turns out to be one simple thing that, once fixed, makes your score look better than ever in just a matter of seconds. So feel free to attach a score you are having trouble with in MuseScore 3 and we are happy to help show you how to save time and effort.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5199981

As I said, if you've already developed an approach that works around the serious deficiencies in MsueScore 2's layout (collisions all over the place), then you might indeed need to develop a different approach based more on actually taking advantage of the default layout, which is usually excellent right out of the box if you don't mess with it. Again, feel free to post an example so we can assist better.

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