Window Minimize bugged
Hey, I'm not sure if it's called minimize (Talking about the - button on top right ). But I use Ubuntu, and everytime I try to minimize Musescore it seems like when I maximize it. I also have spotted a weird reaction: If I happen to have another window maximized below Musescore, and press the - button twice really fast, then it won't minimize but get below the other window. I'm not sure whether that's Musescore or Ubuntu acting up.
That button is part of your window manager, so in this case whichever one you've chosen to use with Ubuntu.
In reply to That button is part of your… by jeetee
I did not get your point. Perhaps rephrase? You mean I must contact Ubuntu's developers for it?
In reply to I did not get your point… by [DELETED] 32872726
Probably. Not MuseScore for sure ;-)
In reply to Probably. Not MuseScore for… by Jojo-Schmitz
Well I needto make a video about it... but not sure if I have any tools for that now. After this message, I suppose I must contact Ubuntu devs.
In reply to I did not get your point… by [DELETED] 32872726
You were wondering who was acting up, that is what my response addresses. In Ubuntu you have a choice between different window managers. That is the part that handles both the drawing of those min/max/close/rollup buttons as well as their behavior.