Notes going out of the page

• May 14, 2020 - 13:34

I was trying to understand polyrhythms and decided it was a good idea to follow the video from Adam Neely.
Thus, I proceded to create a time signature of 11/4 and started entering quarter note septuplets. Upon reaching the 10th tuplet, MuseScore started to enter the notes out of the page, meaning I couldn't see the last one at all. I would like to point out that the playback is completely fine.

I also tried to open the score with the new MuseScore Alpha, just to double check that the bug wasn't already fixed. It actually introduced a new bug, since the time signature is now just displayed as 11, instead of 11/4.

I've attached the file below if you'd like to check it for yourself. I don't know if I should post this in the issue tracker, because maybe it's already being taken care of and also because they're technically 2 separate bugs.

Attachment Size
SevenEleven.mscz 5.94 KB


  1. The running off-page isn't a bug:
    Either use bigger paper, smaller notes, or split the measure. You simply have made the contents of your measure bigger than what can fit on your current paper; there is no automated provision to fix this.

  2. Time signature is showing 11 instead of 11/4 because that is what its text properties are explicitly set to. Right-click it to open up the time signature properties and you can restore the text there.

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