Problem with Voltas, D.S., Section break

• May 14, 2020 - 17:48

Dear Musescore-users!
I have a score for which I cannot find the “best” playback-solution.
I have attached a small example where I “mimic” the layout of that score.
I have 2 “problems”.
How to get the D.S al Fine working properly? Changing playback count in the first Volta creates two different, but “incorrect” playbacks.
How to get it right! (It’s a “Fine inside Voltas” problem, I guess.)

And how to avoid the “pause” caused by the “Section break”?
That pause should be between the Fine and the second section.
I guess, one (of many?) solution to the “Section break” pause problem is to
1. Remove “Section Break” and
2. Add an invisible bar/measure in front of the second section and put a Fermata inside that bar/measure.

But all in all, it’s all workarounds. (I guess there are several of them).

I feel the score, as written, is pretty “consistent” as to how to play it, at least the composer thought so in “those days” (1891 that is!).
Why cannot Musescore interpret/playback this as the composer intended without workaround(s)?
Is the score, as written, “ambiguous” as to how to playback?

Are there some “elegant” solutions as to how to achieve what the composer intended?

Excuse me if there are tons of related questions and comments to these questions, but I have really tried to solve “the puzzle” myself, before posting this!
(And, anyway: I do feel that Volta-handling in Musescore could be more “intuitive”!)

Attachment Size
Composition brilliante.mscz 11.55 KB


You wrote:
How to get the D.S al Fine working properly?
Click on it and, in the Inspector, put a check in the 'Play repeats' box.

You also wrote:
And how to avoid the “pause” caused by the “Section break”?

You can eliminate the section break pause by setting it to 0:

Here's your score with the pause set to 0:
Composition brilliante2.mscz

You also wrote:
That pause should be between the Fine and the second section.

This is a known issue:
#32696: Section break causes pause before repeats and jumps during playback

You also wrote:
I guess, one (of many?) solution to the “Section break” pause problem is to
1. Remove “Section Break” and
2. Add an invisible bar/measure in front of the second section and put a Fermata inside that bar/measure.

Removing the section break will change the measure numbering and activate courtesy signatures for the time and/or key signatures at the beginning of the new section. This may not be desired.

Until the issue is fixed, and if you really want a pause, an easy workaround is simply to place a fermata onto the eighth rest, increase the time stretch in the Inspector, and make the fermata invisible.

Here's your score with a pause between sections (using an invisible fermata on the rest):
Composition brilliante3.mscz


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks a lot for clear answer.
I still fall into the "trap" of not using/forgetting to use the inspector at all "corners" of a score!
Using inspector both for the "D.S. all Fine" and "Section Break" "revealed" what I could have done, yes!
Your hidden fermata at the start of the second section does the trick as in this case the composer "luckily" had a rest at the start. Without that rest I guess inserting an invisible bar/measure in front with (invisible) fermata would do the trick as well.

(Hmm, later realized it does not. The layout is not good (see example, section 3)).
Empty invisible measures could simply be deleted as such, but here the measure has a "workaround-purpose" - fermata.
Another "solution" would be to have a "Start Barline" similar to Final Barline and have a "fermata" option on that very barline itself. (Guess that's a "feature" request!).

A simple "solution", I guess, I also to copy/paste the Segno-Fine to the end of part 1, enter a "Section Break" , delete the Segno-Fine marking, and...voila, "everything" is OK!
But other and better "workarounds" could exist?

Anyway, thanks again! Appreciated!

Attachment Size
Composition brilliante.mscz 10.38 KB

In reply to by Shoichi

Thanks for feedback and definetly an idea. I feel though the 1/128 rest even with time stretch to max (99.99) is perhaps to short?
Don't misunderstand, I do not want to be negative, but it all (like also my suggestion) starts to get very intricate/artificial with hidden measures and fermatas, "strange" measure durations and even "collapsed" measures. All workarounds (but then again: I guess that's what I asked for!)

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