Stem directions don't stick on Save

• Feb 17, 2009 - 12:08

(see atached) I can reverse the stem directions of voice 1 -- but when saved and re-opened the stems are there un-reversed.

Besides this bug there are two other incidental bugs.
a) when reversed the coincident noteheads appear separate -- sometimes this is required, often it is not, how can the user specify which?

b) if the two bars are selected Exchange Voices crashes the program.


Attachment Size
3voice_stems_bug.mscz 2.45 KB


I played a little bit with the score and mscore shows some erratic behaviour. if you select the notes of the triplet and press x to switch stem direction, then the direction is saved. If you select the tuplet beam and press x, the the stem direction is not saved.
The note heads should be separate, if the note duration of the colliding heads is different. Mscore compares only the note head types which does not work in this case. I fixed this in current svn head version. This notehead seapration cannot be specified manually, but note heads can be moved in edit mode.
Another quirk is that stems do not always align vertical when mscore decides to separate note heads. On the next complete relayout this is then done right.

In reply to by [DELETED] 3

Thanks you, werner, your work-around solution is perfect.

BTW, you say, "the note heads should be separate if the note duration of the colliding heads is different." -- my understanding is that by modern standards of guitar notation this is often not the case -- a crotchet (1/4 note) or even a minim (1/2 note) may collide with a quaver (1/8 note) or shorter division, and the note heads are allowed to (or indeed, must) share the same space.

Thanks again for your very helpful response.

In reply to by flameproof

There may be occasions when it is okay for a minim and quaver to collide (this is a style choice). You can make manual adjustments. However, there are plenty of occasions when notes of separate duration should not collide (most of the time?). To simplify things for the computer it avoids these collisions by default.

In reply to by David Bolton

That's interesting, David.

For what instrument(s) do you use MuseScore?

I did a quick survey and grabbed Frederick Noad's 100 Classical Guitar Studies (which are beautiful professional engravings) -- of the first 20 (I got bored after that), there are 10 that have colliding coincident notes (most of which are of pairs of notes of different lengths) and none which have colliding but separate notes.

(Incidentally, which instruments (besides the guitar) can actually play colliding but separate notes?)

In reply to by flameproof

I am unfamiliar with classical guitar notation so I'll take your word for it.

Unisons of different duration often occur in Piano scores. Usually it is used when melody and accompaniment overlap on a particular note. Unisons of different duration also occur in condensed scores such as four-part harmony on two staves or band arrangements on two staves.

In reply to by David Bolton

There are also some wrong unisons in the piano demo wtc1 fuga5 when compared to "Urtext". Looks like there should be a way to tell explicit mscore how to deal with this. I had no good idea how to do this in the user interface and were to put this information.

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