weird drag horizontal frame in vertical frame

• Mar 13, 2016 - 16:20

drag horizontal frame in vertical frame will not move when mouse drag immediately but suddenly move very fast
it is hard to move it to the position easily


As far as I know, a horizontal frame can be placed only at one edge or the other; it isn't intended to be dragged around freely. Can you be more specific about what you are trying to do? Probably there is a more straightforward way to do it.

In reply to by hongdazhi

To add a horziontal frame to a vertical one, right click the vertical frame and see the Add menu.

To see the issue descirbed in the graphic, you may need to click it to see the animatin.

It appears to show what I am describing - you can drag a horizontal frame to the right side of a vertical frame. This is by design. I don't think it is intended that you can do anything else with it. Again, could you please explain what you are actually trying to do and why, so we can perhaps show you how it can be done?

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