Need some Editing help! (rests and length of bars)

• Apr 15, 2011 - 11:30

As i am new to Musescore, i am not very good at using it yet. So when i first used it, i noticed every 4/4 bar had a 4 beat rest. I need a 2 beat rest at the start of the bar. However when i pressed N, I could only place notes in front of the rest and not behind it. How do i solve this?

Also how do you extend the length of bars?Such that the bars are long enough to cover a page and looking much more presentable.

Thank You!


If you wish to create a half rest, you type "6" to set the duration, then "0" to enter a rest. Then you can enter whatever other notes you want.

As for making bars stretch out to fill the page, see style->edit general style->page. There are various settings there to control layout. MuseScore will stretch out your music vertical to fill the page if it exceeds the page fill threshold, so if it is not stretching it out vertically and you wish it to, then lower that threshold. Similarly, MuseScore stretches out the last system to fill the page horizontally if it exceeds the last system fill threshold,

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks I have managed to solve that. I have another questions. How do you connect and disconnect quavers. Musescore automatically connects 4 quaver together. For 1 score i need it to be seperated. While another score i need it to be connected,hence how do i add a triplets also?

Thank You!

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