Moving Rests

• Mar 19, 2016 - 22:28

Right now, if you decrease the value of a note in the middle of a bar, the remainder of the original value becomes a rest, correct? If I want to move the rest to the other side of the existing note it cannot be done currently without deleting the entire measure and starting over.The inverse is also true with rests. It would be a great help if one were able to move rests around or change their value instead of having to replace the entire measure.

Are there any plans to add this functionality in future updates?


It's possible, right now.
Eg:Time sig (4/4), Note input mode

1) type a quarter note + a half note
2) Press "Q": the half becomes quarter
3) Press first: right arrow -> then Shift + left arrow

Result: you have now: quarter note + quarter rest + quarter note

The shift+left/right trick only works correctly if the notes have the same duration. But still, it is easy enoguh to edit measures without reneting from scratch. For instance, just re-enter the note and rest in question. Or, leave note input mode, and move the note via cut and paste.

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