Change note duration to half note in 2/4

• Mar 20, 2016 - 08:51

In 2/4, one measure with one half note.
Select the note.
Press 5 (becomes 4th note), then press 6 it becomes a half note again => ok.
Press 7: becomes linked to a half note in the next measure (ok), then press 6 it doesn't become a standalone half note again and stays linked to the next measure?


In reply to by jeetee

I am not sure I'd consider it a bug. It's sort of a special convenience feature we have that changing a note to something too big to fit in the measure will automatically create another note tie, but it isn't a "bug" that we don't provide an additional feature that automatically checks the entire tied length of a note and removes ties when appropriate. Even though the half note you have selected is tied to another, it is still just a single half note you have selected, so pressing "6" is a no-op. Whereas in the second case mentioned, you have a half note selected, you are changing it to a whiole, so indeed the convenience feature kicks in and creates a new note and ties it (thus removing the old tie).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

In hindsight that kind of makes sense, after all I'm able to select the 2nd part of a tied note and change that length only as well.

However it doesn't full feel right because it *seems* to work when changing into non-exactly matching note values.

So I agree, not a bug, but rather an inconsistency in user experience where I think it would make sense to not have the inconsistency. As in, I currently see no downsides to change (fix) the behavior to check for and remove a forward tie if the note length is changed into the value of the selected notehead.

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