If in "Continuous view" and goto "Layout"->"Page Settings", then the "Preview" is not useful

• Mar 21, 2016 - 05:45

If I'm in Continuous View, take a look at what the Preview box looks like:
It is basing the layout on a continuous view layout, which isn't very useful within the context of "Page Settings".

First thing buggy I want to note is that changing the staff space now doesn't produce any visual change in the preview except for wiggling some rest/note heads left/right. Which is not reflective of the fact that this scaling change will have profound effects on the page layout. Also changing the page size width or left/right margins here doesn't produce any visual change in preview.

Second buggy thing is that if change the vertical margins or the page size height, then the resulting preview produces this very useless preview which just have a single system which gets cutoff on a page:

Third buggy thing is that toggling "Landscape" and/or "Two sided" will update the preview, but not in any meaningful manner.

My feature request is that for cleanliness purposes, we simply render the preview as if it were "Page View" even if the main score view is currently in "Continuous View".

I might also suggest if my request is accepted, that maybe change the text from "Preview" into "Page View Preview" so it is unambiguously clear that that preview is indeed that of the page view.

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