Make Text and Lyrics Searchable

• Mar 25, 2016 - 16:54

A search of the Handbook and the forums turned up no results for keywords "search text" so I'll take a chance this hasn't been raised before (although if it hasn't, I have to wonder why not? ;o)

It would be very useful to be able to search the text and especially the lyrics in a score in a manner similar to that used in most word-processing programs. The current search function (CTL+F) gives instant access to any particular measure number, and while that's very useful, it does not help one find all the instances of, say, a particular word spelling or hyphenation which might get called into question during the editing process of a score.

For example, an associate editor turns in a draft of a score with a word hyphenated orthographically rather than musically in a number of places (i.e.: 'Sanc-tus' as opposed to 'San-ctus'). If a search function existed in MuseScore which could find all instances of those it would immensely speed up the correction process and be an enormous plus for the program.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Heh. I had an idea when I was thinking about this that it would be 'easier said than done.' ;o)

My original thought was that since the algorithms for searching text matter are already pretty well established for word-processing programs, a lot of the 'grunt work' has already been done, and that it would be a matter of adapting existing code-strings to work within MuseScore. But then I started thinking that one of the major issues would be recognising all the different types of text elements that exist in MuseScore. Staff Text, System Text, Framed Text, Lyric Text, Tempo Text, etc., etc.

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