can't haddle lyric more than 17 verse

• Mar 28, 2016 - 15:43

i have a finale file lyric more than 17 verse
export to xml and use 2.0.2 to open
more than 17 verse become empty


here is the file
40 verse in lyrinc
the verse position has big problem due to take more and more lyrinc space
but the original file is ok in finale
the layout gone when import
the number and dot all should be like this

but musescore take verse n+1 under verse n
that will have big problem when this kind of song
edit to death...

In reply to by hongdazhi

There is no arbitrary limitation on number of verses in MuseScore; I have no trouble creating 30 verses in a score I create myself. So something must be specific to this file, but I don't understand the problem. You picture does not appear to show that many verses at all. I see only a single verse of lyrics, then two more "verses" or "lyrics" that don't appear to be lyrics at all but rather numbers and dots entered as if they were lyrics then moved above the staff. MuseScore does display these, but as with most manual position in MusicXML, this sort of customization is not preserved. better to enter those markings using a more appropriate type of masrking - the Finale equivalent of staff text, perhaps. But in anyhow, I don't see 17 of *anything* here. Can you explain in more detail? Perhaps attach a small file (delete all but the relevant measures) and show a picture from Finale of exactly where those 17 verses are?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I think the verses referred to here are not underneath each other but sequentially numbered sections of music. The problem appears to be the use of lyrics to enter actual lyrics plus fingering plus additional marks (dots). It is difficult to do it this way, of course, and I suspect it does not transfer well from Finale with the Dolt plugin to MusicXML and thence to MuseScore.

The file is also way too big in my opinion so that it is increasingly difficult not to mess it all up when changing formatting.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Because the big file is created and combined by 10 different files in finale due to too large. So every file have 4 verse, and the finale combined in 40 verse, but every measure can only see 4 verse. The layout gone and the verse lower and lower more than 17 verse disappear in my musescore.

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