Instrument sounds from BIAB musicxml

• Apr 2, 2016 - 19:02

It seems that BIAB 2016 does not include instrument sound assignments with its musicxml export. Therefore they all default to Grand Piano. Is there a way in Musescore, short of editing the xml directly, that I can assign default sounds to each instrument? Thanks.


Could you attach a sample file ? Without looking at the information actually present in the file, it is hard to judge whether MuseScore could be improved.

In reply to by Leon Vinken

OK, here is an example. The BIAB export is clearly missing sound assignments. However, the tempo info seems to be there although maybe not where it is expected. It would be nice to be able to apply a template of some sort to handle the missing sound info, perhaps based on the staff names.

This file also demonstrates what appears to be a musescore issue: The melody and other parts cut out in the second part of each measure. This happens on some, but not all songs but does not seem to be an issue with other programs I've tried, including importing back into BIAB. I haven't been able to tell when it will be an issue or not, but it is repeatable song by song.



Attachment Size
Acapulco Test.XML 896.9 KB

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