Musescore not creating PDF correctly

• Apr 7, 2016 - 06:58

I am getting incorrect PDF output from Musescore. I have compiled the development version 2.1.0 release 3543170 under Gentoo Linux. I assume that when installed and configured correctly this version can produce PDF output correctly. Attached are sample files in PDF and Musescore format. Does anyone know why this might be happening and how to fix it?


Also when I view the PDF on my hard drive it shows rectangles rather than penguins!


Most likely you have some of the Fonts installed that MuseScore uses internally, and in outdated Versions. Those Fonts prevent MuseScore from using the build in ones.
Or you used a PDF printed rather than File/Export/PDF, some of These are notorious for issues like you descripe, like Adobe's PDF Printer.
Or you forgot the 'make install' step?

Attachment Size
My_First_Score_8.pdf 10.98 KB

Indeed. If you have MScore , MScore1, Bravura, or Gonville installed on your system, uninstall them - they are included within MuseScore, and having them on the system as well creates a conflict. The fact that MusueScore uses its own internal fonts is also why you generally need to use File / Export rather than a third party "PDF printer"..

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