Language selection for mscore compiled from git

• Apr 7, 2016 - 07:55

I'm compiling mscore (unstable version 2.1.0) from git sucessfully, and if starting mscore , it runs well, but if opening the prefeerences dialog, the only language offered is "system". I can update the translations (english and german are updated), but german is not offered in the language selection pulldown menu (only system is offered). It seems something is incomplete, so my question: how to make the german language available in the preferences dialog? (platform: Fedora 23).


While I can't answer the technical side of the question, I can say that the provided translations are made for version 2.0.3 specifically. So either way the translations won't be up to date for master, nor do we accept translations for master. Translations will open up for the next version when the release cycle has started. But perhaps you are already content with a 80% translated master.

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