Navigation rethink

• Feb 20, 2009 - 21:56

The Sibelius style navigation box could be SO much better.

I don't like in in sibelius .... could be so much better

Some ideas

1) bottom of the navigation box place page numbers in click-able boxes ! ... then use the click pan sibelius style box when you have jumped to your page.

Or better still

2) option to jump to bar number with a timeline style slider bar in the toolbar area. Slide it to the bar number and click the 'jump' button.... Where bar numbers are all contained on the same page colour code the background for that set..... so for a large score you may have sets of 30 bars (1 to 30) in Red (31 to 60) in Blue (61 to 90) in Green ect ect on your bar time line slide..... This way you know bar numbers in the first half of a colour strip are in the top half of a page.


One tip I've discovered with multi-page scores: use the "Page up" and "Page down" buttons on the keyboard. It works a little differently from most applications "Pg up" or "Pg dn" skips to the top of the next or previous page.

In reply to by David Bolton

You could always Cube it Compiz style ?

any way to make Compiz work within Muzescore ? Or a thinned down version ?

However.. I still like a timeline idea for practicality regardless of any fireworks.

Compiz on Linux has Expo and many other display goodies. and I take it the code is free to adapt ?

In reply to by its_jon

I'm not sure if a cube relates well to a linear sequence of pages.

The reason I like the idea of zooming out for page selection is you can still see the landmarks in the score and if there isn't too many pages you can still see the notes that you are looking for.

In reply to by David Bolton

Yes, I think using zoom when navigating works fine in for example Igor Engraver; I do not miss a navigator in that program: You zoom out with Ctrl+- so the height of a page fits in the window and then you drag the horizontal scrollbar handle in the desired direction. An improvement of this concept would be -- after zooming out -- to be able to scroll through the pages with Home and End.

Yeh ... for sure the Zoom option is better for orientation.

just opening up the other options for display, indexing and navigation ..... referencing CompizFusion as an example.
I regularly use the Expo option in Compiz as I have my virtual desktops set at 6 (enough for my usage) and Zoom in and out all the time to 'get an overall view' of the apps im working with.

For Example...... I will often open the mixer of MuseScore and place it full screen on a adjacent virtual desktop full screen....... Tat is external of MuseScore but a internal option to navigate score pages in a similar manner to the expo function would be very welcome

Or the Compiz Application switcher code used to cycle score pages would also rock.

Trouble is.... does anything like this exist for Windows users or would if have to be coded from scratch to enable product continuity ?

I still like a timeline specific option to a bar number for practicality though .. :)

My apologies for consistent typo's in general.... need to update my keyboard
will leave typo's in this time

I second the need to jump to bar number. Often I have an old score printed and want to edit a certain bar... This was also a pain in Sibelius. Wish they have jump to bar, because then I don't even need to use the navigator much...

Also, since I'm a newbie, I haven't look carefully if you have rehearsal marks yet. I'd like the ability to jump to rehearsal mark. That's how composers and instrumentalist like to have access. In this case, I don't even need to have an old score to know which bar to go. The rehearsal marks typically make lots of sense, so I can just go to H, for example, and know which movement it is... (Do we have rehearsal marks that we can manually assign names? Sibelius forces a straight order and letter name only. Would be nice to use numbers in some circumstance, and something like A, A', A'' in other instances...)

In reply to by newsong4life

Yes, we have rehearsal marks, under Create/text/rehearsal mark (I think, not looking at it at the moment). Still can't jump to them though, it's just text.
Would it help things to have play buttons such as |<< (previous rehearsal mark) and >>| (next rehearsal mark), sorta like how a cd player will skip to the next song? I'm not a programmer and have no idea how this would work technically, but if the change is a simple one to make, it may be a step in the right direction toward making navigation easier.

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