Score display kept changing when entering the notes

• Apr 13, 2016 - 09:12


Currently we found one thing really annoying us is that after we change the key signature in the middle of the score, the score display kept changes with following note entering. Even though, the score has not been changed, but it really adds some inconvenience in score editing, since it's hard to locate the notes. Would you please advise what cause this, and how can we avoid this?

Thanks and regards,

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Score display kept changing.pdf 207.05 KB


Maybe I say something silly:
Try using Line break from the palette or Edit/Tools -> Break lines every (eg.) 5 bars.
It seems as justified text is arranged on a page, while writing.
Then attach your score, if you want, and someone will check it

What version of MuseScore, and what OS?

Occasionally a bug will result in MuseScore having a hard time deciding if a given measure will fit on a line or not, and every time you do something - adding a fingering, even just selecting something - it will change its mind. We've fixed a number of bugs in this area since the release of 2.0, so be sure to try to most recent version, 2.0.3. If you still see the problem in 2.0.3, then definitely do post the score and steps to reproduce the problem so we can investigate.

In reply to by happysherry921

I can't say for sure what the causes of this is, but it likely has to do with the key change in measure 184. As mentioned, MuseScore seems to be having trouble deciding if that measure can fit on the same system as the previous measures or not. Workaround would be to simply add a manual line break before that measure.

Meanwhile, can you file an official bug report - Help / Report a Bug - including the same score and steps to reproduce the problem (basically, go to page 11 and hit Ctrl+A - you'll see the layout shift).

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