Icon proportion out of size

• Apr 16, 2016 - 02:19

Hi, on Musescore I have increased the icon sizes at the top, note icons, create new, save, print, etc. Now when I am making a score I have the palettes up that shows Grace notes, Clefs, Brackets, etc. The icons under the palettes are way to small so how do I fix this?

The attached picture is a screenshot of my screen. (I am using dark mode that's why its grey.)

Attachment Size
Musescore error.PNG 124.68 KB


Is this 2.0.3? What OS? And do you have multiple monitors connected? What is your monitor size and resolution? There is a known issue affecting a small number of systems with non-standard monitor configurations where MuseScore 2.0.3 is unable to detect the monitor resolution correctly.

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