Useful way to track unresolved topics

• May 25, 2011 - 06:55

I am a grateful user. Thanks all, very much.

I have been a user for some time now and have reported numerous issues. Many of these issues have been addressed and solved, but often there has not been any immediate solution and the issue has moved to the back burner, only to be re-posted again as others have similar issues.

I am always happy to see issues addressed, however, many just disappear into the cosmos. As I am generally able to work around them, I tend to forget many issues.

However, I think some of them are important to the MuseScore project, and I would like to be able to personally track my own posts as to whether or not they have been "satisfactorily resolved" or they "need follow-up (bump this)".

Is there a way I can mark my own posts for tracking?



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