Is there a reason why dotting isn't allowed in note-input mode?

• Apr 28, 2016 - 22:53

I don't understand why in note-input mode one can increase or decrease the note length by powers of 2 (from quarter to eighth or to half) but can't add the "self-and-a-half" with the dotting in note-input mode by pressing . and must do so outside of note-input mode. Can this be explained to me? If not, can it be added as a feature to allow dotting within note-input mode?


It does work but be aware that the dot (decimal point) on a NumPad is not the same as the dot (full stop) on the alphabetic part of the keyboard. Thus (NumPad):
. (decimal point)
enters a dotted quarter-note (dotted crotchet).

I think you might be misunderstanding something about now notes are entered. You can certainly enter dots while in note input mode - you just need to remember, dots are part of the duration of a note and as such need to be selected *before* entering the note. So, to enter quarter note C, you type "5 C", or to enter a dotted quarter, you type "5 . C". Alwways select duration - including dots - first, then enter the note.

For more information on note input, see the corresponding section in the Handbook, also check out the tutorial videos accessible form the main page of this site.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for both your replies. Let me clarify my position: when a note has been entered already, and while remaining in note input mode, I can press Q or W (which is the increase/decrease active duration function) and have that increase or decrease the duration of the note post input of the note that is currently selected and this works. With this in mind I can not, after inputting a note, press the dot function (which is Note-duration: augmentation dot) and have it be added on like I can with Q & W's duration change. I realize I can input the note again with the dot function enabled prior to note input and the note will have a dot, but as an aftermath it seems not to work, yet the increase duration or decrease functions do in fact work as an aftermath function. This is what I mean. Is there another function that is like Q/W (Increase duration via dotting) so that the same applicability of the standard Q/W shortcuts apply also to the dotting function? It seems this isn't available and I'm requesting that it be a potential shortcut so that it doesn't require a pre-setting before inputting a note, and yet it can be done in this manner outside of note-input mode. If I'm missing something please correct me yet again (sorry ;)

In reply to by worldwideweary

You are correct that you cannot currerntly add a dot later. Some day an additional function to add a dot could indeed be added.

Meanwhile, though, it sounds like you are in the habit of entering the note first then changing its duration. I'd suggest changing that habit - MuseScore is simply not designed to work that way. Using Q & W as a workaround for not having selected the duration first has a number of limitations that make it much less usable than the correct way of enteirng notes. For instance, if the original duration was too long and extends over the barline, it creates a tie you'll have to remove later. Also, if you try editing notes already entered, entering a note too long will "eat" the following note, so even if you shorten the note later you'll have lost the following note. So as I said, it's really best to simply learn to enter the notes the way it was intended. You'll be much happier in the long run.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for the clarification as to the prototypical behavior that Musescore is expecting. I now intend to know the duration prior to input as much as possible, and yet I know from experience that in certain circumstances there are trial & error situations calling for experimentation with duration during composing and transcribing by ear. Musescore thankfully does allow this behavior with some hiccups.

I want to point out something you said which is sort of interesting: that a tie will be added and must be deleted later in the spilling over into another measure from the duration-increase function. This is true as with a quarter-note at the end of a measure increased into a desired half-note will become two quarters-notes tied between measures, and if you decrease the note it 'goes back' (no change) into a quarter with the tie remaining which requires a manual tie deletion. But if another decrease is used, there is an eighth note formed with a rest, and it seems that that rest automatically deletes the tie that was automatically formed, so it seems that Musescore does properly respond to automatic tie removal in certain circumstances, but then there is that remaining note that was auto-formed from the tie into the next measure! One has to be careful! Thanks again to both of you: especially Marc.

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