Making voice 2 invisible should move rest

• May 1, 2016 - 20:30


See attached.

When the rest in voice 2 is made invisible the remaining rest in voice one does not move to regular position.

Attachment Size
MS2example.mscz 5.96 KB


In reply to by xavierjazz

MuseScore can tie across different voices. This ability did not always exist. (Pre 2.0? I believe I formerly faked it using slurs).

You posted an interesting voicing example:
That 'push chord' (as you call it in your other post) does indeed turn into two voices in the treble staff, but that does not mean you have to initially enter it using 2 voices, and then 'fix' it to get that rest in voice one to move to regular position.
It can start off as a single stemmed chord in voice 1 (so no problematic invisible voice 2 rests), then simply tied to a 2 voice chord in the following measure.


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