pressing Apply or OK in Volta Text Style gui doesn't update currently placed volta text, only affects future volta text.

• May 3, 2016 - 04:36

In the following score, I first created the first volta.

Then I updated the volta text settings (via Style->Text) and pressed OK & Apply. However, the volta text is not modified.

If I then add another volta, I see that the new volta's text respects my modified volta text style settings.


This is not consistent behavior with other text elements style settings, which seem to update every element of that text type in the score when I press OK or Apply.

Attachment Size
volta-test.mscz 4.73 KB


This is true. Updates to the text styles only affect actual text elements, not the text portions of other elements that happen to contain text, unless they were specifically wired to do this. I think there is probably an existing issue for this, but I can't find it.

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