Virtual Drumline

• Jun 13, 2011 - 01:20

I am using this software primarily to write music for my drumline. I would like to see more sounds and marching instruments available in this program.

Has anyone here ever used or heard of Virtual Drumline available at I know someone that uses it with Finale. From what I understand, it is a collection of drumline sounds that you use in conjunction with a notation software like Finale or Sibelius (both of which are way too expensive to buy with the money I make teaching drumlines). It is a compilation of real life sound samples as performed by the Santa Clara Vanguard. Has anyone here heard of this software and tried to use it with MuseScore? I'm thinking about trying it out but it costs around $200. If I know it works with MuseScore though, it would save me a lot of grief changing instrument names and trying to hear my writing with sounds from incorrect instruments.

Any help is appreciated



VDL is a very advanced sound library... my understanding is that it uses multiple layers to obtain even more variations in dynamics, diddles, and even right to left hand inconsistencies! While I'm not an expert, my understanding is that musescore is limited to Soundfont 2 sounds, so I would guess VDL would not work with it. Besides, if you are going to drop 200 bones on VDL, I would expect one would also just buy finale or sibelius.

Hope this offers some clarification. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Mike S.

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