Ribbon Very Large

• May 14, 2016 - 03:59

I just updated to 2.0.3 and I noticed that the ribbon is much larger than in 2.0.2 in terms of how thick and bold everything is. I was wondering if there was a way to streamline down to how it was before.


Are you using multiple monitors, or some other unusual monitor setup? If you view a score at 100%, does it appear the size of the actual paper, or is it bigger as well? If the score itself is bigger, please post more information about your system (OS, monitor configuration, etc) so we can understand better what is going on. But if the score is the correct size, then probably so is the toolbar.

Previous versions of MuseScore just assumed your monitor was 96 dpi, leading to toolbars being different sizes depending on your screen resolution. That was a bug. 2.0.3 fixes this by detecting your screen resolution so the toolbar is the same size on all systems. If your system was affected by the bug in 2.0.2, you may have become accustomed to the too-small toolbar and now the correct toolbar might seem too big in comparison, but that's actually how it was supposed to be all along.

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