mscore eats my memory if I try to open tsome special capella file

• Jun 16, 2011 - 12:25

Having a .cap file from an 9 years old collection of capella files. If I try to open this file, my box (Fedora 15) becomes slower and slower, and finally I have to press the reset button of my box. Looking a little bit on some tty I see a message that mscore covers more and more memory.

The URL of the capella file:

If you have difficulties to download this file, I have to rename it to some allowed file type and attach it.

My mscore version: mscore-1.0-1.fc15.x86_64

Kind regards

Joachim Backes


MuseScore 1.0 for Windows on XP SP3 has the same problem, it does show a dialog about crashing, but does not, instead hangs there withhaviong used a lot of memory (as per task manager: 1.8G on my 2GB machine). Has to be killed (via task manager)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

MuseScore reads a capella time signature of 0/ which crashes the program. The current developer version checks for invalid values and ignores the bad elements. This may not fix the original bug but allows loading of the problematic file which at a first glance look ok. The capella format is not too well documented. Maybe there is a special semantic for the zero numerator in the time signature.

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