How to use new OMR capabalities

• May 17, 2016 - 21:35

Following today's merge of #110306: OMR in musescore, I downloaded nightly e43d048 to check it out. Unfortunately, when I try to open a PDF it shows nothing at all on the right, and an empty white page on the left. No staves, no barlines, no PDF preview. View > OMR Panel offers the insight that the PDF is being processed as if it has a staff space value of 99.99mm, and that number resets to that same value when changed manually. (Incidentally, if MuseScore is left alone for a couple of minutes with a PDF loaded, it crashes.)

I'm not sure what here is a bug and what's user error. Can anyone offer advice?


You can see how the OMR should work with one of these PDFs It's known to not work on vector PDF files (like the one produced by MuseScore) and it's very very experimental for now. Liang will post on the forum with more details in the coming days. If you encounter a file that doesn't work you can open a bug report and link to it.

It doesn't do much in the way of OMR right now - just layout detection and no symbol recognition currently - but its great for having MuseScore "turn pages" for you while manually transcribing a PDF.

Currently it doesn't seem to work very well with scores where the number of staves changes. Also, clicking on a PDF in the File -> Open dialog causes it to attempt OMR instead of just displaying a preview of the PDF.

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