Little kink in crescendo / diminuendo lines

• May 21, 2016 - 21:13

If a crescendo line reaches across a system break it will start with an "ottava" sign at the beginning of the second system, see picture. Same for diminuendo lines. These "ottavas" are potentially confusing. crescendo line.png


The text used for the continuation comes from the Line Properties, so just right click the crescendo line, Line Properties, and set the continue text to whatever you like. The "8" shown in your example is *not* standard, nor is the tightly dashed line. It's normally a widely spaced dashed line and the text "(cresc.)" used for the continuation. So it looks like this must be a custom continuation you (or someone else) created yourself. If you use the one from the palette, it should look correct right out of the box.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

This is version 2.0.3.

I actually did try to create a crescendo line in 2.0.2. (by modifying the ottava line) and gave up when I saw the ottava sign persist in this way.
Later I installed 2.0.3. and was surprised to find the ottava sign still there. I never did any custom stuff with the line palette since installing 2.0.3. Would that mean that my computer neglected/refused to forget what I did to it?

I was able to get the factory version into my personal palette now (by taking them from the "advanced palette" via the score and deleting my apparently still surviving crescendo lines from 2.0.2.).

Thanks for your help!

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