Multi-score compositions?

• Jun 24, 2011 - 19:09

Dear Reader,

I am a huge fan of Musescore and, I have an Idea that i don't believe either product can currently accomplish. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I want to create a multi-score composition in one file with tempo, Title, and some instrument changes; however, Musescore(.com) is/are lacking a feature to do so. I was wondering if this is an idea already in development, or I'm missing the feature somehow.

P.S. I posted this in Features too. I wasn't sure where to post this Question/suggestion.


Sounds like you are talking about what would normally be called "movements". There have been a number of threads that you might want to search for. Bottom line is, there are some thing you can do in 1.0 to create this appearance, but 2.0 will contain more direct support.

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