Several Requests

• May 31, 2016 - 07:58

1. Tie dynamics to the staff they were assigned. Instruments such as bass clarinets or piccolos that regularly use extreme ledger lines are hard to clean score for. You try to move your mezzoforte so it doesn't obscure the note, and it assigns itself to the staff below. Your only recourse is an ugly score, and fix it when you part it out.

2. Dynamics should be left-aligned, not center aligned. You typically assign a dynamic to the note where you want the performer to start interpreting that dynamic. However, since dynamics are center aligned, wider notations like "sfzp" or "ppp" will center themselves, leading to ambiguity. These dynamic markings should be left aligned to the left of the notehead to which they are assigned.

3. New sound patches for saxophones and low clarinets. I know the MIDI is pretty standard, but 1. The saxophone MIDI is just plain bad. The universal vibrato isn't found in other instruments that use vibrato, such as the flute. Somehow this vibrato renders the instrument super out of tune with the rest of the instruments. And low clarinets have a lagging response to the point where notes in the contrabass range do not respond at all for notes faster than a moderate 8th note. Those of us composing for such instruments would like a useable playback.

4. Select all elements within a given measure or vertical section. Frequently I'll want to, say axe all the articulations within one section only.


1. You can use the inspector to move dynamics without changing their assigned staff

2. Elaine Gould's "Behind Bars" is recognized as a reference regarding music notation engraving. Page 102 about "Vertical alignment of dynamic symbols" mentions *Centre the dynamic on the notehead*. This is why MuseScore does it by default. However, if you want to break the rules, you can. Go to Style > Text > Dynamic and change the horizontal alignment.

3. You can change the default sound. See A new clarinet sound is on the work for the default soundfont. See

4. Select a measure or vertical section, right click an articulation and choose select all similar elements in the selection. Press Del. All articulations in the selection are gone. See

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