Mac OS-X font problem

• Jul 6, 2011 - 18:54

I have seen a number of references to the MuseScore font problem in OS-X but no solutions to this problem. I am running OS-X 10.6.7 and have tried installing several different version of MuseScore and going through all the suggested operations with the Font book etc. but the font remains with each character being a series of rectangles.

I launched MuseScore from the terminal and get the following message:
Sym: character 0xe104(57604) are not in font
Sym: character 0xe105(57605) are not in font
Sym: character 0xe106(57606) are not in font
Sym: character 0xe107(57607) are not in font
Sym: character 0xe108(57608) are not in font
Sym: character 0xe109(57609) are not in font
Sym: character 0xe10b(57611) are not in font
2cannot parse <1.0>

I can run MuseScore properly on my Windows XP and Linux partitions under Parallels by not in OS-X. Shall I just give up running it in OS-X or is there a version that will work on recent version of OS-X?


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I have tried both of the above suggestions already -- it makes no sense to validate the fonts in the OS-X system anyway because the MuseScore fonts are not installed in the system they are binary files inside the application....

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