if vertical offset applied to notehead, then notehead gets shifted significantly more when explode or paste to transposing staff

• Jun 14, 2016 - 03:14

In the attached .mscz, I have a bunch of concert C's in the first measure, each C has a slight unnoticable verical offset of only .01. But when I explode those C's out in the second measure, you can see that the noteheads get shifted vertically by an unusually high amount:


+2sp for alto
+3.5sp for tenor
+5.5sp for bari

Interestingly if I was already in concert pitch before exploding, then I find the offsets are

+0 for alto
+3.5sp for tenor
+6spsp for bari

I'm sure there is some simple mathematical relationship between the amount of transposition and the amount of additional erroneous offset, but I can't figure it out right now.

Anyway, the same problem will happen if I simply copy & paste a note that has a slight offset from one staff to another transposing staff.

Attachment Size
explode-vertical-offset.mscz 6.21 KB


I can reproduce on 3.0.0 nightly windows 8ec8b50

  1. Edit->Instrumets, Add Sopr Sax, Alto Sax, Ten Sax, Bari Sax.
  2. in piano staff add any quarter note chord e.g. middle C, E, G, C, E.
  3. select that chord, and in inspector select notes, and under element heading, disable "Automatic Placement", and manually set vertical offset to .01sp.
  4. now copy & paste that chord to the other staffs, or select that chord and press explode

Result: the note heads are offset way to much

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

here was what I just created in 3.0.0, where the first measure I copied and pasted the chord, while in the second measure I exploded that chord:
exploded C triad to transposing saxes.png

in the above I had concert pitch disabled prior to copying and exploding. In the below image, I first enabled concert pitch prior to copying and exploding (interestingly, the sopr and alto sax do not get additional vertical offset...just the tenor and bari...I think because the sopr and alto are still in treble clef and are not transposed while in concert pitch, while musescore does put the tenor and bari into different clefs.)

exploded C triad to transposing saxes concert pitch.png

Attachment Size
transposing-notehead-offset.mscz 11.5 KB

In reply to by ericfontainejazz

OK, I can confirm with these steps (mor or less - skipping the Automatic Placement part) using 2.0.3 as well.

It seems what is happening is that MuseScore is interpreting the manual adjustment as an *absolute* position on the staff. Because for me in 2.0.3 with those steps, the poorly placed note is actually in the same physical position on the staff for each staff. Looks like that is not the case in your image though. Maybe transpositin is affecting this differently depending on version or whatever else. But probably at some level this is what is happening - MuseScore treating the manually adjusted note as an absolute position rather than a relative one.

I would note that in some cases at least, this is what you want, and we in fact go out of our way to make sure it works this way - so thing moved manually stay where you put them even if a future version changes the default position. But probably it shouldn't be that way for *notes* even if it for some other markings.

Aha, I now see that those notes are keeping the same absolute staff position when moved to transposed staff. Seems to do that for both 2.0.3 and 3.0

So it seems musescore should exclude noteheads from that adjustment just like stems seem to be excluded from that.

EDIT: It seems stems also suffer from the same problem, if I similarly give them a slight .01 offset before copying:


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