Outboard Modification of Instruments

• Jul 16, 2011 - 05:17

It would be nice to have the ability to modify the sounds of individual instruments or voices with the options that outboard equipment provides.

What are the chances this could this be implemented?


In reply to by John Sprung

I agree, the focus really should be on getting the sounds you want in the first place rather than relying on MuseScore to alter them. After all, the guitar effects in question are rarely just set and left alone - you hit pedals to turn them on or off over the course of a performance. So you'd also have to extend MuseScore to have a way of adjusting the controls while the score plays back. I would imagine there are MIDI sequencers / audio editors that might provide a feature like that, so exporting to MIDI then using one of those to apply your effects seems like one possible way to go. But in MuseScore, the only way to do that would be to switch between different existing patches in your soundfont, as is currently done to switch between arco and pizzicato for strings, muted versus open for brass, etc. I'm not at all convinced that guitar effects should be treated any differently. If you have a soundfont that includes the sounds you want, then the existing mechanism allows you to switch between them via staff text just as is done for strings & brass.

Not that there isn't room to extend MuseScore in this way, but it seems an awful lot of work for something that can rather easily be achieved already using either of the methods I mentioned.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

As I explained on the dev mailing list, it's currently possible to alter MuseScore audio out with effect with Jack audio. See for example : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YB-c5sQb6U
Currently, one of the issue of this approach is that the effect is applied to the whole audio stream and not per instrument since the "mixing" is done in MuseScore and not in Jack. Or put differently, you can only output the whole audio stream to Jack.

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