Rehearsal marks: should they be repeated at foot of full score?

• Jun 17, 2016 - 08:58

MuseScore 2.0.3 on Windows 7

I am transcribing a number of orchestral compositions dating from 1910-1930, available only as manuscript full score. The composer adheres to a convention of placing each rehearsal mark above the top stave (Flute) and repeating the mark above the final stave (Double bass).

The attached image shows a typical page from a full score, with rehearsal mark "D" in the penultimate bar (sorry about the quality: had to reduce image size to get under the 2MB limit). I am told that Sibelius can repeat rehearsal marks in this way. But I can't find any way in MuseScore of following this style, so I am turning to the forum for advice.

1. What is the modern convention: to repeat rehearsal marks on the full score, or not?
2. If rehearsal marks are repeated, should they be placed above or below the Double bass stave?
3. Is there a way in MuseScore to repeat rehearsal marks on the full score, or would this be a feature request?

Many thanks to all for this wonderful software.


MuseScore does not have a command to do this by default, but you can achieve the effect by adding staff text to the bottom staff and applying the Rehearsal Mark style via the Inspector.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Thank you for this really useful tip.

I was pleased to see that the "extra" rehearsal marks added below the final stave (e.g. Double Bass) appear only in the full score: they are hidden on the extracted Double Bass part, so there is only one set of rehearsal marks.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

"...just stacked one on top of the other" ?

I don't think so, because I deliberately placed the "extra" marks below the DB stave on the full score. On the extracted DB part, the rehearsal marks appear above the stave (as expected and required). MuseScore is being intelligent here, perhaps?

In reply to by DanielR

Definitely isn't intelligent. Could be a bug that happens to be working in your favor here,or it could be something else going on - like the manual offwet you applied to one of the rehearsal marks not being preserved in the part, so there really are two overlapping marks. Easy to find out - try to drag it in the part and if there is another behind it you'll see it. Should be harmless to leave both in place, but it might possible render slightly bolder than usual, so you always press "V" to make one invisible in the part.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Sorry, it's me that "definitely isn't intelligent"... Somehow I failed to save my changes with the "extra" rehearsal marks, so what was extracted as a Double Bass part showed only the original rehearsal marks.

Once the "extra" marks are saved on the full score, extracting a DB part does indeed show overlapping marks - so I guess the extra duplicates have to be manually removed [Edit: or hidden] from the final stave's part - in this case the Double Bass part.

Examples attached.

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