Size of app window on first run

• Jul 25, 2011 - 14:39

According to the changelog from July 1 (R4455), MuseScore 1.1 is supposed to "open MuseScore maximize on very first startup". Does this "first startup" also apply to a Factory Reset? When I do a reset, MS opens in a very small window, something like 800x600.


I can't reproduce this with 1.1 prerelease on Win Vista. Either when I reset to factory settings, either when I remove the musescore.ini file. Can you give the exact steps to reproduce?

In reply to by Thomas

1. When I delete the INI manually, it works OK. In the INI are the settings "maximized=true" and "showPanel=true" which maximize MS and shows the MuseScore Connect window.

2. When I do a factory reset (using a script which basically does "start .\win32install\bin\mscore.exe -F"), the INI seems to get deleted properly, but the settings I mentioned previously are now set to "false". Even when I manually do a normal factory delete (mscore.exe -F), it doesn't work.

Note this is my own compile of 1.1 R4594, later than prerelease 1.1, under Win7. But I just installed MS 1.1 pre2 and I have exactly the same results as above with my own compile.

Another note, the INI files between the two methods above are quite different. The one after delete is very short, but the one after a factory reset is much longer, many more settings. If you want I can post them.

Thanks to Lasconic for the fix in R4596, now MS is maximized on a factory reset.

On a side-note, I commented on the very large difference between the INI files when deleting it, or doing a factory reset. A reset produces an INI which contains many more settings (alsa, jack, wallpaper, synth and a whole lot more) whereas a delete of the INI only contains the [General] and [MainWindow] settings. Should they not be the same? It appears a reset calls an extra function or two to set more defaults.

Note this difference doesn't cause a problem because the program works on internal defaults, but why is it, when you do an INI delete, then execute the program and quit, that all the settings are still _not_ written out to the INI? Only when you go to Preferences and "Reset to default" do you get all the settings written out when MS quits.

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