Key signature problems again.

• Jul 7, 2016 - 22:24

I had just finished entering a piece (with F key signature, one flat). Then I did something (what?) that changed the signature to a god-awful mess of sharps. The notes had accidentals placed on them to agree with the new signature (great feature!). I'd like to get things back to my usual (simple) notation. I looked up how to change the key signature, and when I changed it back, the accidentals on the notes stayed changed. I don't want to re-enter the piece. HELP NEEDED. {I was starting to enter chord symbols using Ctrl-K, and maybe I hit Shift-K by mistake? Actually did this a few times, but found this easy to correct. Must be something more complicated.}


One thing guaranteed to change a single flat to a god-awful mess of sharps is pressing the F2 key as this woulf transpose from F major to F# major.

Sorry, didn't understand the posting by "kuwitt". I thank "underquark" for knowing that pressing the F2 key messes up the key signature. But I don't understand how to restore my piece without rewriting it, or going thru it and changing each accidental. I could use some clear directions if it is possible to restore things from present mess.

In reply to by Jack Donovan

To be clear:

F2 takes your score and transpose it up a half step, key signature and all. Really, best thing is just hit Ctrl+Z (undo) immediately after it happens, but Shift+F2 will transpose it back down if you've done some else meanwhile. It's possible you've messed it up further by trying other things, though. So if you have problems setting it back to normal, please attach the score you are having problems with so we can help better.

Thanks to everyone for their help, including Mark S. (latest). Yes, I tried some crazy things, including (first) repeatedly entering F2 (thought it might take me around the circle and back to my original key). All the notes kept getting raised, so quit after a bit. I used the Transpose command to bring the notes back to their original position (they had gotten about two octaves higher than their original position). Then I highlighted/Del all the sharps, one by one. Didn't actually take that long. Not sending a copy of the piece now that it is fixed. I'm sure there must be an easy way to recover from this (only the Shift-F2 ?). Don't you have a method to remove all accidentals? Going to sign off from this thread now. Thanks again to all. I guess you all know how much work goes into entering a piece and seeing that it sounds right. Jack Donovan

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